August 15, 2010

Cupcake Wars Summer

Let's just say that the heat has been really hot in my cupcake kitchen this summer! I actually did install an air conditioner that keeps my butter cream at the ultimate temperature, but business couldn't be hotter and more busier than it has been this summer. Between cupcakes, a new puppy, and the kids home from school, I have been very thankful for a husband with a flexible schedule, grand parents, and a few summer camps to help out. It is also nice that with the early sunrise, I can have a days work done in the kitchen by noon, and then can be off to enjoy the Michigan summer with family and friends. At the beginning of the summer, like all the other foodies and bakers out there, I started watching the new show "Cupcake Wars" on The Food Network. Just because I like to keep life fun and be a bit daring, I told my husband I wanted to apply to be on the show. We tried to get some insider information on applying, but were unsuccessful. I put the project on the back burner waiting for the perfect time to apply. Well, what do you know, 2 1/2 weeks ago I got a call from a casting producer from The Food Network. They found me on-line, had checked out my website and my facebook page and wanted me to apply for the show! For many of you this is old news, but here is where I stand in the process. Step 1- phone interview (they called me and said you sound great on the phone, we want you to apply). Step 2- Complete 29 question application and submit via email. Did that. Step 3- Upload audition video to youtube under Megan's Cupcakes audition video for Cupcake Wars. Had so much fun completing this. Step 4- my producer contact sends video and application to the actual producers of the show who are the decision makers. They are casting right now for their 2nd season of the show. If I don't get a call by the end of next week, then they passed me up. To be realistic, if I REALLY had to fly to L.A. to shoot an episode for 4 days sometime in September with the kids starting school and weddings on the weekends, I might just loose my mind. So assuming I won't get a phone call next week won't be so bad. It's exciting just to have been found and I'm so glad I made the video! Sometimes you can't keep life fun and exciting or experience success unless you are willing to take risks. So call or don't call. I won't be disappointed either way!

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